Guitar Lessons for Adults: Time and Money Well Spent

Is It Too Late to Take Guitar Lessons for Adults?

Wanting to learn to play the guitar but not sure if you’re too old for it?

Deciding to take adult guitar lessons is a great choice! You’re never too old to learn learn to play guitar, and doing so can provide you with many benefits. Not only will you be able to impress your friends and family with your new skills, but you’ll also have a great activity to keep your brain active and healthy.

So if you’ve been thinking about learning how to play guitar, now is the time! In this article, I will provide some tips on how you can get started on this fun journey. What are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!

My Wife’s Adult Guitar Lessons Story

First, I will start by telling you the story about my wife, Laura. She had always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but life got in the way. She got married to her first husband at a young age and had 2 children. Her life got too busy to even think about her dream of learning guitar. Things only got worse when she became a widow and had to go work double to provide for her children and had no time or money for music lessons.

One day as we were sitting in our living room, flipping through the TV channels, she stopped and told me about this dream of hers of playing music. She never wanted to be a rock star, she doesn’t even like to be in the spotlight, but she just wanted to learn to play music for her pleasure and enjoyment. Now that her children were older and out of the house, she had more free time for taking guitar lessons and finally decided to do it.

It would have been easy to assume, that with me being a guitar teacher, she would have just had to say the word and I would have been giving her private guitar lessons in no time. So why did she wait so long to tell me?

Truth is, I was pretty busy already, learning to adapt to a new life in Canada, learning the language, playing guitar at some gigs here and there, and teaching some guitar lessons already, so she didn’t want to bother me, plus she also felt embarrassed to ask not just for guitar lessons, but for beginner guitar lessons.

She is a bit silly that way, as I could have definitely made the time for her, and I would have never judged her for being a beginner guitar player, but that’s just the way she is, what are we going to do?

But the important thing here and my burning question for her was why she hadn’t taken guitar lessons in the past before she met me and her children were already older and she had more free time. It surprised me to find out that she felt inadequate, she felt she would never find a teacher that would have the patience, or would be old enough to know, or even like the music that she was interested to learn to play.

She mentioned that most teachers out there seem to be of a younger generation, who don’t seem to have the patience or time, who seem to always be in a rush. “Who would have the patience for a fifty-year-old complete beginner with absolutely no guitar skills whatsoever?”, she said.

And well, I do believe there are good young guitar teachers, who are quite capable to teach adult guitar students. Young teachers who are patient, kind, knowledgeable, and willing to teach guitar lessons to beginner adults.

But I understood the intimidating part, or, as my wife put it, she would just be a lot more comfortable with someone a bit older to give her beginner guitar lessons at her age. A guitar teacher that would know and enjoy music from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s – Someone used to teach older guitar students and especially adult beginners.

That set me on a quest to find out if other people would want to take music lessons and are deterred for the same reason my wife was. It turns out there are lots of people who feel the same way about adult guitar lessons. For that same reason, some people opt to learn on their own with online lessons or videos.

This, however, is what ends up making some people give up or completely steer away from learning guitar, as not very many people find that very motivating or fructuous. It’s easier to give up when they do not have the benefits of having the guidance of an experienced guitar teacher to make the journey not only smoother, but a lot more fun, organized, and motivating.

One-on-one private guitar lessons for adults are something that can make a huge difference in the enjoyment and success of someone’s guitar-playing journey.

Whether people want to dive into the depths of music theory, learn to read music, or even just play by ear, make their own music and write songs or just play someone else’s, learn classical guitar or electric guitar, learning guitar should be something people enjoy.

So, after all the years under my belt teaching music, below is the compilation of my best tips to make the most out of your music education.

But first, let’s look at some of the hidden benefits of music lessons.

Benefits of Guitar Lessons for Adults

Other than the obvious benefits of getting to play songs you like, showing off your newly learned skills, entertaining friends and family, and the feeling of accomplishing something you have always wanted to, there are underlying benefits that are important for adults.

Studies have found that when you learn an instrument your brain gets some amazing benefits, it keeps your brain active and healthy as you age. These benefits can translate into other areas of our lives. This is why playing music improves overall well-being.

Let’s look at all the benefits.

Playing Guitar Relieve Stress

Music has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body. Music may reduce stress hormones and blood pressure, and decrease pain.

Increases Brain Connections

Guitar playing improves brain functioning!

When you play the guitar, you are using both sides of your brain at the same time. This helps form new connections between the two hemispheres of your brain that can improve your memory, coordination, and thinking skills.

Improves memory

Playing guitar can help improve memory because you have to learn and remember chords and melodies.

Increases attention span

In addition to helping improve your memory, learning to play guitar can also help improve your focus and concentration. This is especially true if you are a beginner. When you are first starting out, you have to focus on the basics – like learning what each string is called and how to hold the instrument.

As you progress, you will need to pay attention to more complex concepts and techniques. This improved focus and attention span can also translate into other areas of your life.

Improves coordination

Guitar playing requires coordination between your hands, eyes, and brain. This helps to fine-tune the communication between these areas of your brain, which can lead to improved coordination overall.

Boosts Mood

Studies have shown that music can improve mood, and playing guitar is a great way to enjoy the benefits of music. Playing guitar can also help you connect with other people, which can further boost your mood.

As you can see, it turns out there are benefits to just start learning as an older adult. Even if it’s beneficial for everyone, people that have been playing for a long time don’t have to focus as much, don’t have to make an extra effort to remember the notes and chords that have known for a long time. This extra effort is quite beneficial as we start to get older.

So, if you’re looking for a way to keep your mind sharp and healthy as you age, taking guitar lessons is a great option! Not only will it provide you with some cognitive benefits, but it can also help boost your mood and relieve stress. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Find the Right Guitar and Guitar Gear for You

If you don’t have your own guitar just yet, know that there are so many different types of guitars available on the market, so it’s important to find the one that’s right for you. Not all guitars are created equal, and you may find that some are easier or more comfortable to play than others. You may also want to consider the price of the guitar, as some can be quite expensive.

When looking for a guitar, you may want to consider an acoustic guitar. These guitars are typically less expensive than electric guitars, and they are also relatively easy to learn how to play. If you are a beginner, you may want to purchase a beginner’s guitar kit, which will come with all the necessary accessories, such as a tuner, strings, and picks.

If you are still torn between acoustic or electric, nylon strings or steel strings. These are all important questions to ask when you’re choosing a guitar. If you’re not sure what kind of guitar you want, try out a few different types at your local music store before making a purchase. And don’t be afraid to ask the salesperson for advice, but make sure it feels comfortable to you.

Also, the type of music you want to play is very important to define the type of guitar and strings. Classical guitar, Spanish, and some Latin styles require acoustic guitar and nylon strings. Blues, Rock, and some Pop styles are more suited for electric guitar or acoustic guitar with steel strings.

Forget Success and Enjoy Your Guitar Lessons

It is critical for adults to learn a new instrument for the purpose of discovering, learning, and enjoying. If you put a lot of pressure on yourself to be successful at it you might take all the enjoyment out of it and you might be more prone to giving up.

Intense ambitions are one thing that helps us achieve success, but they can also affect a very important thing which is to just do something for the joy of it. If you take guitar lessons as an adult, you are already successful just for doing so. You can let genuine willingness, energy, and curiosity propel you to learn a new instrument in an exciting way. And who knows, you might get quite good at it!

Don’t Be Intimidated

Learning to play guitar is easier than you think!

One of the biggest reasons why adults don’t start learning to play guitar is because they feel intimidated by the instrument. But the truth is, learning to play guitar is easier than you might think! With a little bit of practice, patience, and a few chords under your belt (even just three chords), you’ll be playing your first song, and maybe even a few of your favorite songs in no time.

Don’t be intimidated by the teacher, other musicians or guitar players, your age, or not having taken any music lessons before either, if you don’t feel comfortable, maybe you haven’t found the right teacher.

With a great teacher, all those things won’t matter, and even absolute beginners will feel happy, comfortable, and motivated, and will learn this new skill in no time. There’s nothing more amazing when you start this journey than, as my wife put it, the feeling of making music for the first time!

Set Some Realistic Goals

Having said all that, when learning to play any new instrument, it is important to set some realistic goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track as you progress in your guitar-playing journey. For example, if your goal is to be able to play a song by the end of the month, make sure you practice regularly and don’t get discouraged if you don’t reach your goal right away.

There are simple songs, that require you to learn simple chords that you can learn faster, and there are more advanced songs that will take a little longer. The important thing here is to be playing according to your abilities and interests.

Learn the Basics – Chords, Strumming, and Finger-Picking

Once you have your guitar and you’re ready to start learning, it’s time to focus on the basics. You need to learn chords, strumming patterns, and finger-picking. These are all essential skills that you’ll need to learn to play most songs.

Learning the basics of guitar playing can be a little daunting for adult new students. This is again, why one-on-one private adult guitar lessons are a great choice as to not get overwhelmed right from the start.

With a few learning techniques, a bit of patience, guidance, and practice, you’ll be able to get the hang of it in no time

Taking Private Adult Guitar Lessons

I can’t emphasize enough how having a professional teacher guide you is the best way to get started on the right foot. One-on-one private adult guitar lessons can be taken either online or in person.

Finding a Teacher

Finding the right guitar teacher is important. You want someone who can teach you the basics in a way that is appropriate for your age and experience level. Look for a teacher who has experience teaching adults and who understands the challenges that adult students face.

It’s common for teachers to want to impose their teaching methods without taking into account what their guitar student really wants. A good music teacher will find a balance to keep their students happy and motivated, while at the same time making progress and learning to play well.

I myself, teach based on your interests, expectations, and skills in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

When you’re first starting out learning how to play guitar, practicing is key. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. You’ll start to develop muscle memory and learn the chords and notes faster. With regular practice, you’ll also start to develop your own style. So don’t be afraid to spend plenty of time with your guitar.

Don’t Give Up

If it takes a while to get the hang of it – keep at it, and you’ll be playing in no time!

If you were still on the fence about picking up a guitar, I hope this post has helped show you how easy it can be to get started. With the right guitar, a good teacher, some basics under your belt, a little time, and plenty of practice, you’ll be playing your favorite songs in no time.

Make sure to check out my online guitar lessons for adults today. And, you’ll be glad you invested in yourself. After all, learning to play guitar is an activity that can bring you years of enjoyment – it’s definitely worth the time and effort!

What are you waiting for? Start learning today!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you!

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