World Music. Part 2

For me, world music serves as a form of resistance against the prevailing trend of normalization and the dominance of a select minority. Reflecting on my journey, I’ve come to realize that my affinity towards marginalized groups stems from my own personal history. As a child, I grappled with insecurity, shyness, and endured bullying—I wasContinueContinue reading “World Music. Part 2”

World Music. Part 1.

In tandem with my musical journey, I’ve harbored a profound interest in human development, delving into the realms of psychology, sociology, and beyond. This curiosity has spurred a continual questioning of global dynamics, politics, and social disparities. To me, world music encapsulates cultural diversity and the boundless creativity of humanity. However, historical and political forcesContinueContinue reading “World Music. Part 1.”

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